AIR !!!

AIR !!!
Should not be playing with your food

Monday, June 21, 2010

Ten Secrets to Success -

Ten Secrets to success -

Check them out, enjoy!

1. Mindset: How you think, always be possitive try to stay away from dream crushers and haters.

2.Decide what your true goals and dreams are: Write them down, where you can see them . I suggest a white board.

3. Take Action: Play Nike here  - Just do It!

4. Never Stop Learning: Read, doesn't matter what just read. Jump back into a class any kind of class.

5. Work Hard and be Persistent: Never give up!

6. Analyze Details: Goes back to reading. Pay attention, get all the details before you decide on a course of action.

7. Focus: Time management. Don't get distracted.

8.Innovate: Be different, following the masses only leads you to be part of the masses.

9.Communicate: Say what you mean. Listen, really listen.

10. Take responsibility: Be honest, if not you are going to wind up in the masses, lost and broke!



The Seven Steps to Generating Prospects

"Borrowed" this from my office, there is some good stuff contained in it - take what you want leave the rest.

7 Steps to Generating More Prospects

1.  Get their attention before you go into your speech.
·         Have a compelling personality and speak with a smile.
·         High energy is not only invigorating, it’s contagious.

2.  Teach your prospect something they didn’t know before.
  • Every prospect wants to know the inside edge.

3.  Give the reason for your call.
  • Providing the prospect with powerful information about your offer will make them a better prospect.
  • Don’t bore them with information they don’t need. This is a big one, I see,hear guys bore prospects to death and talk right over a "deal". It is hard to recover that kind of fumble.

4.  Ask a question that delivers a “yes.”
  • “Mr. Prospect, I’m sure that you, like Donald Trump, are interested in generating significant returns on your portfolio!” Specific to the investment world, you can come up with your own yes questions -
  • Mr. Prospect is much more likely to say “yes, I’m interested.”

5.  Qualify, qualify, qualify.
  • Establish that this prospect is right for your business.
  • Play the take-away; make them jump through hoops.

6. Build a relationship.
  • Discover their desires and objectives.
  • Establish a foundation that builds a common ground.

7.  Get a commitment for an appointment.
  • Agree on a set time for a follow-up call.
  • Hold them accountable.

I found using some of those techniques and rolling them into your style, increases your success ratio.



Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Tips to Avoid the Dreaded Burn Out

Some days no matter how hard you try, you wind up burning out.

Sure I have sat starring at the phone praying for it to ring, it doesn't.

Sometimes watching paint dry seems more appealing.

What to do?

Sit there and not make money?

Watch paint dry and not make money?

Not making money is not an option.

Try these tips of the trade to avoid the dreaded burn out phase of the cold calling grind.

Tip one:
Change your mind set, think of cold calling as making friends and mean it. I have friends all over the country.

Tip two:
Hang pictures in your office. I have my son, my girlfriend and my 1970 Baja Bug to look at. Ask me later which one I look at more ;-)

Tip three:
Get a snack - or some coffee - coffee is my life blood at the office

Tip four:
This one is controversial pop a video game on your screen and play it. This tip can back fire, don't let yourself get too wrapped up in the game . . . trust me you will get a hook up right when you are setting a high score!

Tip Five:
Play music! I stream Pandora

Tip Six:
Clean your desk, I know it is neat as a pin already  . . HAHAHAAHA straighten it up!

Tip Seven:
Close a deal. Nothing fixes burn out like a deal!

Tip Eight:
Take a break and write a blog.

Tip Nine:
Answer those emails you have been putting off.

Tip Ten:
Call your kid,or significant other. Nothing motivates better than a child or significant other! At the time of this blog post I have twins on the way and am super motivated to get my wheel barrow filled with cash!

Those are just a few - more to follow

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Great way to break up the Day -Humor - Funny Phone Numbers

Playing the eleven digit lottery can get boring -

I know big time boring -

What do you do as a room manger? How do you keep the spirits high? Besides of course having great leads :)

Here is something I like to do to make my guys smile -

Slip in  some bogus phone numbers-

For example:

Outsource your friendship to India 267-436-5128

"How To Keep an Idiot Entertained" Hotline at 401-285-0696.

Call 973-474-9051 to hear what that telemarketer will hear when they call "you".

Think you've got it bad at your company? Call the "Human Resources Hotline" for the worst company in America to hear how it could be much, much worse: 786-837-9893

A few for fun - slip a few of those numbers  into the mix and break up the day!




Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Tongue Tied?

Ever been tongue tied?

Prospect picks up , you say hi . . . and completely blow it!

Blah blah , marbles stuck in your mouth . .
What do you do?

DON'T PANIC  ( you have a towel right? )

Believe it or not blowing it in the first few seconds of a call , can actually help you - What???
Yes, it can, everybody has a human side. Hearing somebody fumble tugs at the heart strings and on some unconscious level creates an emotional connection. Hard to imagine , but I have seen it happen time and time again.

Or you make it through the first part of your call only to have a question asked that you have no clue how to answer. This is important , if this happens and you cannot answer a question , don't even try -
Put the caller on hold -
Here is how  - this simple statement " HOLD PLEASE" notice I did not say can you ? or would you mind? I said " HOLD PLEASE" simple to the point and courteous - Once you have the guy on hold find someone in your office to get the answer -

What if everyone is busy?

Get back on the line and tell the truth, " I don't know" there is nothing wrong with that statement,
" let me check into that for you" - people will thank and bond with you , because you're honest with them!
Goes back to an earlier blog post - Stay honest with your calls, don't put lipstick on a pig!

If you find yourself having to lie or exaggerate on the phone - Run from that office!!

Back to tongue tied, if for some reason you get back on and are still blowing it , stumbling , stuttering , using a ton of crutch words ( Ahh , ) - Put the guy on hold and turn the call -
Take a walk outside, get some air - it will help trust me.

Being tongue tied is a very natural and normal occurrence - the less you let it bother you the better - Time heals all wounds - the more you call and talk the easier it gets!


The Daily Grind

I'm not going to lie to you . . .sometimes  . . .cold calling can be a grind!

It can be brutal, do horrible things to you , burn out? Sound Familiar?

What do you do ? What can you do ?   Is there a solution? Just suck it up you whiner -

Here are a couple solutions -

Get up from your phone, put it down - leave the area - grab a coffee - get some fresh air!
Yeah I know there is a manger  breathing down you neck , or worse yet a closer (if your not a closer yet )

Fresh air does wonders -

Another solution try multi tasking, this is of course easier with a headset - which I feel is a must for the cold caller-
Multi task you ask? How? what? why?
Give this idea a shot while you dial, pop your computer screen to something fun - picture of your kids - favorite game - favorite website -favorite forum - facebook - myspace - whatever floats your boat!
When you get a live body minimize your open window, and focus on the call!
Advanced multi taskers , try using IM or texting - but I dont really recommend the advanced option.

Once you get the live body on the other end of the line MAKE A FRIEND!
Sometimes the multi tasking endeavors can lead to a great conversation piece -
Example: I was multi tasking while I was blowing through an oil and gas list full of no answers,disconnects and hang ups. I was specifically looking at my favorite fishing site - BAM I get a pick up, a live body YES! - I was so surprised because the previous hour I had nothing ,nada - zip - And BAM a pick up , Went right into my opening line . . . smiling  . . . making a friend. . . . in the first few seconds, the prospect mentioned he was at the dock getting ready to fish, ( I know this is a pretty wild coincidence ) - I popped the website - told him I was on the site and Catalina backside had a lot of action  - He was now going from suspect - to prospect - to client. He did eventually do business with me  . . . . .  a lot of business :)

I know that is a pretty rare example , but you would be surprised at what happens while multi tasking - Give it a try -
Don't forget about the walk for fresh air -
I had a buddy who would do karate exercises every time he got burnt out - Very funny -

The point is the phone will beat up if you let it - Simple answer - Don't

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Secret to Cold Calling

Here it is the secret to cold calling -


That is it - that's all folks -

Nothing complicated, it all boils down to picking up the phone and going for the elven digit lottery-

Sounds simple right? Because it is!

But -

Some will lead you to believe, there are these super complicated matrices. Nope hate to break it to the Anthony Robins of the world but its not, nothing complicated here . . . pick up and dial.

I have paid for the expensive and inexpensive seminars, sales courses, and have time and time again bought into the idea of there is some sort of secret to cold calling. What I got from the seminars is there are a lot of lazy people looking for the answers.

The revelation of "picking up the phone and dial" hit me one day in a lengthy boring and do mean boring sales meeting. During said meeting I was doing my usual day dreaming about fishing, spearfishing, my smoking hot girlfriend, and praying for my phone to ring , when I realized it does not ring on its own, not matter how much I used jedi mind powers. That moment it hit me most of what is said in the meetings were bs, all you need to do is pick up the phone.

That is it I keep going back to it but . . . . . . .

Keep things simple and stupid - DIAL !

Dialing is the first step, of course there are ways to get better, but it boils down to the dials.

We will get into the fine tuning of the call, in the future -

I repeat this in my head sometimes - Be prepared and be honest.

How to get better? Do it Call - Sign up for some training where you are on the phone, in the trenches with a coach right there with you -

A coach is someone who can give correction without causing resentment.

Love that statement , so many times a coach likes to feed his own ego and boy that causes resentment!!

Coaching Hot Line- 949-485-2457 - pick up and dial- worth every penny!

Monday, June 7, 2010

The new Iphone 4

I want one -

Plain and simple the thing looks cool -

Makes mine feel like an antique!

The Iphone is an excellent tool for the cold caller. During the course of the day I tend to leave messages via voice mail and or gate keepers , when I step out for lunch I forward my office phone to my Iphone, I never miss calls, ever. It has become a valuable piece of my arsenal. Email is a breeze-

Sure any "smart phone" will work but . . . .

Nothing is as cool as the Iphone -

Here is the ironic twist to my love of the Iphone - I hate Hippies!! Nothing worse than the I'm saving the world smugness you run into in the Apple store -

That said I love my Iphone and cannot wait for the new one!

in case you missed it

Cold Calling Dead?

The short answer is "no"

Many brokers went into panic mode with the advent of the do not call list, some with the market crash and others suffered burn out, but cold calling is not dead.

"Oh hes not dead , at least not yet, hes me". . . . . Great line -

The art of the cold call is alive and well. I say art because like art, it is all in the eye of the artist or in the case of a phone call, the dialer. My day consists of cold calling I make anywhere from 50 -150 calls daily. I am pitching cold calling brokers all day long . I'm closing closers.

The trick to cold calling is in the numbers, not necessarily the number of dials but the number of "hook ups" - in fact I'm dialing as I type -

This leads me back to the theme of the blog. Its all about lead quality!

More people, you the cold caller, talk too the better, not just package collectors and strokes but real thing qualified prospects. Conversations take quality time not empty time.

Talking right now . . . . . . . . . love the head set , if you don't use one you should -

Have to take an order continued at a later date -

Saturday, June 5, 2010

How to Win The Eleven digit Lottery ?

The answer is a simple one pick up the phone! Yep that's right pick up and start to dial. Combine the phone with a solid list of leads and you are golden. The chances of you, the cold caller, hitting the eleven digit lottery increase exponentially with the use of a targeted set of leads.

You get what you pay for.

My expertise applies more to the fund raiser, the Oil and Gas or the Private placement closer. I started my career as a front-er making a minimum of 250 calls daily. Six months of purgatory I moved into the coveted closer position, eventually moving into the floor manager. The point of those few sentences are the fact that I have intimate knowledge of what a good lead source can do for you and your business.

Back to you get what you pay for -

I'm not saying you have to buy the most expensive list out on the street but what I am saying is don't buy the cheapest. Ten cent leads only lead to frustration and a burnt out sales team. Kick that number up into the dollars range and your contact ratio goes way up.

Enough for now my kid is out of bed and time to cook breakfast!