AIR !!!

AIR !!!
Should not be playing with your food

Monday, June 21, 2010

The Seven Steps to Generating Prospects

"Borrowed" this from my office, there is some good stuff contained in it - take what you want leave the rest.

7 Steps to Generating More Prospects

1.  Get their attention before you go into your speech.
·         Have a compelling personality and speak with a smile.
·         High energy is not only invigorating, it’s contagious.

2.  Teach your prospect something they didn’t know before.
  • Every prospect wants to know the inside edge.

3.  Give the reason for your call.
  • Providing the prospect with powerful information about your offer will make them a better prospect.
  • Don’t bore them with information they don’t need. This is a big one, I see,hear guys bore prospects to death and talk right over a "deal". It is hard to recover that kind of fumble.

4.  Ask a question that delivers a “yes.”
  • “Mr. Prospect, I’m sure that you, like Donald Trump, are interested in generating significant returns on your portfolio!” Specific to the investment world, you can come up with your own yes questions -
  • Mr. Prospect is much more likely to say “yes, I’m interested.”

5.  Qualify, qualify, qualify.
  • Establish that this prospect is right for your business.
  • Play the take-away; make them jump through hoops.

6. Build a relationship.
  • Discover their desires and objectives.
  • Establish a foundation that builds a common ground.

7.  Get a commitment for an appointment.
  • Agree on a set time for a follow-up call.
  • Hold them accountable.

I found using some of those techniques and rolling them into your style, increases your success ratio.



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