AIR !!!

AIR !!!
Should not be playing with your food

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Great way to break up the Day -Humor - Funny Phone Numbers

Playing the eleven digit lottery can get boring -

I know big time boring -

What do you do as a room manger? How do you keep the spirits high? Besides of course having great leads :)

Here is something I like to do to make my guys smile -

Slip in  some bogus phone numbers-

For example:

Outsource your friendship to India 267-436-5128

"How To Keep an Idiot Entertained" Hotline at 401-285-0696.

Call 973-474-9051 to hear what that telemarketer will hear when they call "you".

Think you've got it bad at your company? Call the "Human Resources Hotline" for the worst company in America to hear how it could be much, much worse: 786-837-9893

A few for fun - slip a few of those numbers  into the mix and break up the day!





  1. Great idea. I've called one of these before and it's good. Keep em coming! God bless, Chad.

  2. Thanks Chad - My buddy Jason told me a girl gave him one once - I laughed !!!

    Classic -
