AIR !!!

AIR !!!
Should not be playing with your food

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Daily Grind

I'm not going to lie to you . . .sometimes  . . .cold calling can be a grind!

It can be brutal, do horrible things to you , burn out? Sound Familiar?

What do you do ? What can you do ?   Is there a solution? Just suck it up you whiner -

Here are a couple solutions -

Get up from your phone, put it down - leave the area - grab a coffee - get some fresh air!
Yeah I know there is a manger  breathing down you neck , or worse yet a closer (if your not a closer yet )

Fresh air does wonders -

Another solution try multi tasking, this is of course easier with a headset - which I feel is a must for the cold caller-
Multi task you ask? How? what? why?
Give this idea a shot while you dial, pop your computer screen to something fun - picture of your kids - favorite game - favorite website -favorite forum - facebook - myspace - whatever floats your boat!
When you get a live body minimize your open window, and focus on the call!
Advanced multi taskers , try using IM or texting - but I dont really recommend the advanced option.

Once you get the live body on the other end of the line MAKE A FRIEND!
Sometimes the multi tasking endeavors can lead to a great conversation piece -
Example: I was multi tasking while I was blowing through an oil and gas list full of no answers,disconnects and hang ups. I was specifically looking at my favorite fishing site - BAM I get a pick up, a live body YES! - I was so surprised because the previous hour I had nothing ,nada - zip - And BAM a pick up , Went right into my opening line . . . smiling  . . . making a friend. . . . in the first few seconds, the prospect mentioned he was at the dock getting ready to fish, ( I know this is a pretty wild coincidence ) - I popped the website - told him I was on the site and Catalina backside had a lot of action  - He was now going from suspect - to prospect - to client. He did eventually do business with me  . . . . .  a lot of business :)

I know that is a pretty rare example , but you would be surprised at what happens while multi tasking - Give it a try -
Don't forget about the walk for fresh air -
I had a buddy who would do karate exercises every time he got burnt out - Very funny -

The point is the phone will beat up if you let it - Simple answer - Don't

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