AIR !!!

AIR !!!
Should not be playing with your food

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Secret to Cold Calling

Here it is the secret to cold calling -


That is it - that's all folks -

Nothing complicated, it all boils down to picking up the phone and going for the elven digit lottery-

Sounds simple right? Because it is!

But -

Some will lead you to believe, there are these super complicated matrices. Nope hate to break it to the Anthony Robins of the world but its not, nothing complicated here . . . pick up and dial.

I have paid for the expensive and inexpensive seminars, sales courses, and have time and time again bought into the idea of there is some sort of secret to cold calling. What I got from the seminars is there are a lot of lazy people looking for the answers.

The revelation of "picking up the phone and dial" hit me one day in a lengthy boring and do mean boring sales meeting. During said meeting I was doing my usual day dreaming about fishing, spearfishing, my smoking hot girlfriend, and praying for my phone to ring , when I realized it does not ring on its own, not matter how much I used jedi mind powers. That moment it hit me most of what is said in the meetings were bs, all you need to do is pick up the phone.

That is it I keep going back to it but . . . . . . .

Keep things simple and stupid - DIAL !

Dialing is the first step, of course there are ways to get better, but it boils down to the dials.

We will get into the fine tuning of the call, in the future -

I repeat this in my head sometimes - Be prepared and be honest.

How to get better? Do it Call - Sign up for some training where you are on the phone, in the trenches with a coach right there with you -

A coach is someone who can give correction without causing resentment.

Love that statement , so many times a coach likes to feed his own ego and boy that causes resentment!!

Coaching Hot Line- 949-485-2457 - pick up and dial- worth every penny!

1 comment:

  1. I really liked your article, very informative. Thank you Mr Schniepp. I agree. Once over any fears one may have of dialing for dollars it's smooth sailing (I hope! lol) as long as you pick up that phone and keep your hot little fingers working! Better yet... Speed dial and a headset so you can multi-task! Thanks again.
    Chad (-; (bankofchad)
